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Tuesday, December 8, 2009


This weeks TWD was chosen by Barbara of Bungalow Barbara- Sablés, pages 131-133. I must say that I have always eyed these puppies in the cookbooks, but have never attempted them. Why you ask? I haven't the slightest, especially since I have made sugar cookies so many times. Yes, yes, I know they are not the same. But, hey they're close enough, right? No agreeance, okay, I'll leave it alone.

Well, anyways go check out Barbara's page or as I say, just pick up Dorie's book and try them for yourself.


Flourchild said...

Yum I think they look great! DId you use nuts in them? I think I see them peeking through and they look pretty! Great box to pack them in and share with someone.

Pamela said...

They look really good all tucked into that box! Nice job.

Deeva said...

Yes, I used pecans in half the dough. I am really thinking about making some more because they definitely didn't last long.

Teanna said...

Great sables! They look delicious!

Unknown said...

Your cookies look wonderful! I bet the pecan version was delish. These didn't last long in my house either! Thankfully, they are so easy to make!