We had the choice of either making one or both cookies and being the ambitious person that I am, I decided to do both. I love Pepperidge Farms Milano Cookies and have wanted to redeem myself in the marshmallow department. What a perfect way to do it, right?
First, let's start with the chocolate covered marshmallow cookies. The cookies recipe was so easy it was like cooking with your eyes closed and the marshmallows came out perfect. I am not sure if the recipe I used before gave others problems, but this recipe was flawless.
The only thing I might do differently is use tempered chocolate to cover the cookies in. The chocolate wouldn't hardened enough and it definitely melted in your hand when picked up. To solve this problem I had to put the cookies in the refrigerator until it solidified enough.
Now on to the Milan cookies, I didn't care much for this recipe. My girlfriend and youngest son loved them, but since I am the Pepperidge Farm Mint Milano queen of the house, the cookies didn't have the snap to them. They were just to chewy for me. I did however love the flavor and texture of the ganache filling.
All in all I would make both of these cookies again, but I will be on a search for a better cookie for the Milans.