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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

TWD: Chocolate Souffle

This weeks Tuesdays With Dorie was chosen by Susan of and once again it was on my to bake list.
As you can see I left them in a little too long, not thinking about adjusting the time for smaller dishes. All in all it was a great experience and I'm already thinking about the next souffle I want to bake. This dish is one of the ones you dread because you hear all the horrible things that can go wrong. Well there is nothing so bad about making or baking souffles.
Just make sure you adjust your time!!
For this recipe go to Susan's page or save yourself some time and buy the book and try other Dorie Greenspan recipes.


Romaine of said...

Mine got a little bit dark too. I think I just put them too close to the top heating element because they weren't overcooked otherwise. Thank goodness for powdered sugar.

Pamela said...

I was so expecting this to be so much harder than it was. I was surprised that a souffle was so easy! I almost forgot to adjust my time, too. At least you gave it a try, though.

Anonymous said...

I love all the color variations in your chocolate souffle! It looks soo yummy and I love a burnt edge! =) I can hardly wait to try this again too!

TeaLady said...

Looks like you got great height out of that one.

Deeva said...

Thank you all for the compliments and encouragement.