When I went to the
CDOT cake show last year there were three vendors I knew I would order from. One was
The Foam Studio, which I ordered my cake show dummies from. The other two,
Grex Airbrush and
Cake Safe (Scott and Juli are so sweet and helpful) were more expensive purchases which would have to wait until I went to the
NCACS show. I bought the
Grex airbrush because of the ease of use, the adaptable pieces, and the price wasn't bad either. Knowing that airbrush spatter is inevitable, I knew the airbrush booth from Cake Safe was a necessity.
Trying the fondant under fondant to get a raised effect
Getting ready to start airbrushing
Finished product...and you can see the color in the filter area
The Airbrush Booth and the Airbrush

I love these purchases and would recommend them to everyone.